About Plume

A Plume-instance by tchncs.de, from Germany, preferring german or english posts. You can support this instance with a donation. User-demand and software-reliability will define the outcome of this testing-phase. (Imprint)

Runs Plume 0.7.3-dev

Known issues

Plume is young software with some rough edges, this is one of the main reasons, tchncs.de considers this a test-instance for now, but with high hopes and plans to continue serving it. Just mind that since it’s alpha, it may not be a perfect experience for you and things can go wrong (but also usually fixed).
You can contribute and donate to the Plume-project here!


We prefer german or english posts

Our Mastodon rules apply to this Plume instance

The CoC of this instance follows a similar approach like the one on our Mastodon-instance.

In short

We do want friently content that complies with the german law, is not harmful, pornographic or anything like that, and must not be advertising-content.

Please do report users that you believe are breaking our rules or generally act in a bad way.

Getting in touch with your admin

Mastodon - Matrix - Telegram