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Articles tagged "Boris the Dictator"

In Plain Sight, Boris Johnson is Rigging the System to Stay in Power

Weakening the courts, limiting protest, hobbling the elections regulator. If another country did this, what would we call it?

UK - Tories Indicate Turn Away from Democracy and to Authoritarianism.

Tory MP says Teachers Should be “Sacked” if They Criticise the Conservatives Party in the United Kingdom

Stop the Assault on our Democratic Freedoms - United Kingdom

Let’s take a stand against the government’s insidious power grab and its attempts to stifle the voice of civil society

Boris Johnson Faces Rebellion Over ‘Intolerable’ Hunger and Poverty in Home Counties

Call for ministers not to ignore the cost of living crisis faced by people “in real trouble” who had been “tipped over the edge” financially by the pandemic

UK's Investigative Journalism Finds Itself Heading Towards ‘Authoritarian Police State’

Proposed changes to the Official Secrets Act by the Home Office would see investigative journalists threatened with up to 14 years in prison for ‘unauthorised disclosures’

Tories to Pass Law Creating a 'State Speech Regulator' for Online Communication & Media

United Kingdom continues down the oppressive road to a dictatorial system. Legislation of thought, speech, information. UK looses grip on it's freedom & democracy daily.

Some of Today’s Politicians have Learned Propaganda Tricks from 1930s Fascists, says Yale professor

Democracy is a fragile creation, and the Yale professor and historian of fascism Timothy Snyder should know

Is the UK sleepwalking into authoritarian rule?

Jeremy Cushing on how the government is attacking and undermining the institutions of democracy, Blaine Stothard on ministers’ demands for total conformity of beliefs and values, & Pat Farrington on the Tories’ cynical attempts to keep hold of power

Accusation of Tories Inflaming Culture Wars by Boris Johnson's Former Race Advisor

“There are some people in the government who feel like the right way to win is to pick a fight on the culture war and to exploit division.”

Tory Plans to Restrict Judicial Review Will Weaken the Rule of Law

Proposals undermine government accountability. Wonder why that's a goal of any government? Answer: They do not want to be held to account for their actions

Boris Johnson 'Unfit' to be PM, says Former Top Adviser Cummings

Cummings said the British government is being overly secretive and bureaucratic and said that domestic media had not subjected its policies to any real independent scrutiny.

'Taliban' Faction Among the Tories Plan to Destroy BBC for Political Motives?

Did Tories dredge up 26 year old story for excuse to destroy the BBC? Totalitarian governments always move to shut down media/news outlets they can't control or dictate to.