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Articles tagged "Coronavirus"

UK government has Abandoned its Own Covid Health Advice

Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak said to have agreed to decision not to follow public health advice on testing in vulnerable settings

Tory Ministers to Stop Supply of Free Covid Tests to Universities in England with just 48 Hours Notice

Education leaders criticise ‘reckless’ move, after first case of ending mass distribution of LFTs (Lateral Flow Tests)

Boris Johnson Staff Held Lockdown Party on Eve of Prince Philip Funeral

Deepening scandals surrounding United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson & parties at his Downing Street residence during coronavirus lockdowns

Confirmed - Herd Immunity was Inevitable Outcome of Tory Government’s Coronavirus Approach

Byline Times warned the public about ‘herd immunity’ from the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis – now two influential House of Commons committees have concluded that it was the result of Boris Johnson’s handling of the pandemic in its early stages

UK’s High Covid Case Rates Buck Trend

Higher vaccination rates are translating to lower Covid infection and death rates in western Europe – except in the UK where case numbers are surging

British Medical Association to Issue Damning Critique of Tory Government over Covid-19 Crisis

Chronic neglect of the NHS, poor pandemic preparedness and flawed government policies have contributed to the appalling impact of the Covid-19 crisis in the UK

The Problem with Coronavirus is that it Doesn’t Understand Propaganda

Boris Johnson isn’t following scientific advice, he is running scared of a backbench rebellion by a minority of MPs in his own party.

Awaiting a ‘Tsunami of Covid’ - UK Lecturers Fear Students’ Return

The fears are evidence-based, she says. “Universities are asking people to come back to campus without mandating that basic things are in place to make it safe. It’s not about emotion.”

Boris & Tories Refuse to Reveal How Many Times Contact Tracing Turned off on Covid-19 App

Tory government admits it has data but is blocking release, prompting speculation that figure is embarrassing

We Have No Confidence in Boris Johnson's Government & Priti Patel, says Police Federation

Rank-and-file police officers have overwhelmingly supported a vote of no confidence in the home secretary, Priti Patel

Lack of Quarantine at England’s Borders ‘Risks Havoc of Covid Variants’

Medical experts question reliance on vaccination status and tests for arrivals from Europe, the US and elsewhere

Sage Adviser - Ministers Trying to Get as Many as Possible Infected With Covid

Ministers & Boris Johnson accused of allowing infections to rip through the younger population in an effort to bolster levels of immunity