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Articles tagged "Facebook"


Stop asking for license to speak

Stop helping tech companies censor you. Switch to free, federated platforms

Perché ho deciso di lasciare Facebook

Facebook limita la mia autodeterminazione da uomo, i miei diritti digitali e la mia libertà, e quindi lo abbandonerò

Warum befreit ihr euch nicht?

Die Emanzipation von Online-Konzernen

Meine Sicht auf die Kanäle, die ich nutze

Das Internet ist zu billig, die Abzocke zu einfach und gefühlt die halbe Menschheit moralisch bankrott

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

intelectual effort and essay written by Shoshana Zuboff

Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now - Jaron Lanier

essay about how COMMERCIAL social media has developed and the roots of its bussiness model. [gl]