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Articles tagged "Google"

¿Se puede vivir sin los servicios de Google en Android? Ésta es mi experiencia

Apple & Google Block Tory Government's Covid-19 App Update over Privacy Breaches

Having the Tory government's Track-and-Trace app blocked by Google & Apple is not unlike Satan telling a mass murder that, "That was well over the top. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Warum befreit ihr euch nicht?

Die Emanzipation von Online-Konzernen

F-Droid y la aplicación de rastreo Google y Apple

Programa # 39 del Podcast de Post Apocalipsis Nau


Die zentralisierung des Internets

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

intelectual effort and essay written by Shoshana Zuboff

google at work

how dots are connected