Important Notice: this service will be discontinued by the end of 2024 because for multiple years now, Plume is no longer under active/continuous development. Sadly each time there was hope, active development came to a stop again. Please consider using our Writefreely instance instead.

Articles tagged "Privacy"

The Flockingbird Privacy Model

Balancing "clear" with "powerfull" to give you a powerfull and privacy-friendly professional social networking.

Linkdump: KW48 2020

Was geschah & worüber (nicht) geredet wurde

Browser Privacy

To whom browsers are talking out of the box

Mind your Bubble

Conectar báscula a App por Bluetooth

permisos que solicita unha app

Privacy Tip: Install a Tracker Blocker

One way your web activity is used against you, and how to stop it

Curated /etc/host

performance, security & privacy

Passwort Strategie

Üder die Wahl eines sicheren Passwortes, die richtige Nutzung eines Passwortmanagers und weiterführende Themen wie 2FA sowie die Catch-All und Präfix Strategien.

password-store, mudar chave GPG

short tutorial about GPG key change to encrypt passwords

XMPP, entrar en salas de conversa pública

titorial simple para utilizar o cliente Conversations


encrypt your cloud files for good

CryFS para ficheiros na nube

cryfs, ferramenta para a intimidade dos teus datos no ordenador de outra persoa