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Articles tagged "Sajid Javid"

Tory Ministers to Stop Supply of Free Covid Tests to Universities in England with just 48 Hours Notice

Education leaders criticise ‘reckless’ move, after first case of ending mass distribution of LFTs (Lateral Flow Tests)

Tory Pledge to Bolster GP Surgery Staff to be Broken

Only 9,500 of the promised 26,000 extra personnel for practices in England have been recruited

Tories Set to Break Promise of 6,000 More GPs in England

The Tory government's health secretary disclosed that the figure, a key promise in the Conservatives’ general election manifesto in 2019, was unlikely to be met

Boris & Tories Refuse to Reveal How Many Times Contact Tracing Turned off on Covid-19 App

Tory government admits it has data but is blocking release, prompting speculation that figure is embarrassing

WHO Warns of ‘Epidemiological Stupidity’ of Early Covid Reopening

Tory England ignores science of WHO's warning over letting people catch Covid earlier as England prepares for ‘big bang’ reopening