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Articles tagged "Tory Profiteers"

Boris Johnson's Tory Conference Speech ‘Economically Illiterate’

Business leaders rounded on Boris Johnson for lacking a coherent economic plan after he delivered a boosterish conference speech that made barely a mention of the supply chain crisis.

Sage Adviser - Ministers Trying to Get as Many as Possible Infected With Covid

Ministers & Boris Johnson accused of allowing infections to rip through the younger population in an effort to bolster levels of immunity

Boris Johnson Said He Was Not Prepared to Lock Down the Country to Save People in Their 80s

Cummings - Johnson held out on reimposing Covid restrictions because “the people who are dying are essentially all over 80.”

Nurse who Cared for Boris Johnson Resigns over Tory Government's ‘Lack of Respect’ for NHS Workers

Jenny McGee, who kept vigil by PM’s bedside when he was sick with Covid, derides government’s handling of pandemic

Corporate Terrorism: Fire & Rehire Tactics Rife at Firms that are in Profit & Claiming Covid Corporate Benfits

Some corporations received corporate benefits while using 'Fire & Rehire' tactics. Companies condemned by unions also shows that some raised executive pay.

Timeline of the Plague Year

Rupert Read & Ian Sinclair's dissection of the Tory controlled Government’s woeful response to the country’s worst public health crisis in a century. Also as a free e-book.

Three-quarters say NHS has Dealt with Covid Better than Private Firms in Damning Poll

The survey found 75% think the NHS has been "more effective at handling the response" compared to just 9% who chose private firms

Boris Johnson Plots Workers' Rights 'Wrecking Ball'

Fury is mounting as the 48-hour working week, rules on breaks and holiday pay look to be up for grabs after Brexit - despite Boris Johnson's promises

UK Not Testing on Levels of Toxic Chemicals in Tap Water

The UK government is not testing drinking water for a group of toxic manmade chemicals linked to a range of diseases