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Articles tagged "Tory criminals unfit to govern"

Boris Johnson Staff Held Lockdown Party on Eve of Prince Philip Funeral

Deepening scandals surrounding United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson & parties at his Downing Street residence during coronavirus lockdowns

Quiet Revolution of Non-Voting Tory MPs Spells Danger for No 10

Some Conservatives describe it as almost a revolution on the quiet.

Majority of UK Voters Think Boris Johnson’s Government is Corrupt

A majority of people think that the current United Kingdom Tory Government is corrupt, while only 16% disagree with the statement, according to exclusive polling by Omnisis commissioned by Byline Times.

Boris Johnson Stated BEFORE Signing Brexit Agreement That He Would 'tear up' the Northern Ireland Protocol

Boris Johnson PLANNED in advance to 'tear up' the Northern Ireland Protocol before the UK approved and signed the treaty

Fear Dominic Raab will Target Human Rights Act in his New Justice Post

“I don’t support the Human Rights Act and I don’t believe in economic and social rights.” - Dominic Rabb, 2009

Stop the Assault on our Democratic Freedoms - United Kingdom

Let’s take a stand against the government’s insidious power grab and its attempts to stifle the voice of civil society