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Articles tagged "austerity"

The Existing Weaknesses in Tory's UK government Laid Bare by Covid-19 Pandemic

Report highlights data failings, workforce shortages and disconnect between health and social care

Timeline of the Plague Year

Rupert Read & Ian Sinclair's dissection of the Tory controlled Government’s woeful response to the country’s worst public health crisis in a century. Also as a free e-book.

Reduce Crime? Tackle Poverty and Inequality to Reduce Crime, says Police Chief

Tory's default approach with continued austerity with cuts affecting people along with reduced social programs & limited support for those in difficulty are creating more crime in the UK.

British Families Took Bigger Hit to Income During Covid Pandemic than Europeans

Over a decade of continuing Tory austerity, cuts to NHS, social care resulted in UK’s greater inequality levels making pandemic impact worse for families