Important Notice: this service will be discontinued by the end of 2024 because for multiple years now, Plume is no longer under active/continuous development. Sadly each time there was hope, active development came to a stop again. Please consider using our Writefreely instance instead.


All systems statistically move toward high entropy if no energy is added. The movement is measured with time. The movement is called debate and synthesis. Preceding states are causal (cause), and following states are consequential (effect).

Low entropy

  • order
  • inequilibrium
  • usefulness
  • potential
  • easily disturbed
  • universe big bang
  • biological life
  • excitement
  • war
  • disagreement
  • competitiom
  • dynamic
  • differentiation
  • unawareness
  • fixed events
  • predetermined will
  • white hole (past singularity)
  • low complexity
  • devil
  • deviousness . egoism
  • individualism

High entropy

  • chaos
  • equilibrium
  • uselessness
  • robustness
  • universe heat death
  • biological death
  • boredom
  • peace
  • agreement
  • cooperation
  • static
  • sameness
  • awarenes
  • free undefined events
  • free will
  • black hole (future singularity)
  • high complexity
  • benevolence
  • divinity
  • commons
  • cooperation