Important Notice: this service will be discontinued by the end of 2024 because for multiple years now, Plume is no longer under active/continuous development. Sadly each time there was hope, active development came to a stop again. Please consider using our Writefreely instance instead.

Funkwhale 1.1.2 released

We’re pleased to announce the release of Funkwhale 1.1.2. This is a minor release containing a few quality of life improvements and bugfixes. As always, upgrade instructions can be found in our documentation and the changelog can be found here.

What’s new?

Since this is a bugfix release, we’ve focused mostly on fixing smaller issues which have been impacting both app behavior and appearance:

  • Dark theme users will be pleased to see we’ve shipped a fix for a CSS regression which caused loading spinners to render with a white background. These loaders will now match the background colour of the theme as intended.
  • A missing serializer has been added to the tracks endpoint which allows us to filter results by whether or not they are playable by the current user. This means we can hide unplayable content and prevent some of the confusion people have experienced when browsing content.
  • An issue which caused systemd to read environment variables incorrectly has been patched.
  • Various smaller frontend bugs have been squashed, mostly relating to improper HTML.

We’ve also added a new behavior for unauthenticated users who try to subscribe to channels. Previously, the subscribe button would treat the user as though they were logged in and register the subscription even though the request had failed. Now unauthenticated users will be met with a popup prompting them to log in or sign up (if registrations are open) to subscribe to channels.

Happy upgrade!