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Benchmarking cld3-ruby vs whatlang-rb

I found cld3-ruby, a language detector library used by Mastodon. I compared benchmark.

Rehearsal ------------------------------------------------
WhatLanguage   0.983678   0.000428   0.984106 (  0.984226)
cld3-ruby      0.201626   0.000000   0.201626 (  0.201629)
Whatlang       0.044146   0.000000   0.044146 (  0.044152)
--------------------------------------- total: 1.229878sec

                   user     system      total        real
WhatLanguage   0.959301   0.000000   0.959301 (  0.959318)
cld3-ruby      0.195675   0.000000   0.195675 (  0.195675)
Whatlang       0.041425   0.000000   0.041425 (  0.041425)

Benchmark script is here:

Is using Whatlang reasonable? I don’t compare acurracy, though.