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10 Simple Exercises to Help Your Baby Crawl

Crawling is an important milestone that plays a crucial role in a baby’s physical, cognitive, and social development.

As a parent, watching your baby achieve developmental milestones is both exciting and rewarding. Crawling is an important milestone that plays a crucial role in a baby’s physical, cognitive, and social development. Crawling helps babies develop their muscles, coordination, and balance while also promoting their cognitive and social skills. In this article, we will discuss 10 simple exercises that can help your baby learn how to crawl.

Now that we understand the stages of crawling, let’s dive into the 10 simple exercises to help your baby crawl:

Tummy Time: Start by giving your baby tummy time for a few minutes every day. You can start by placing your baby on a

soft Rug

or play mat on the floor. Make sure to stay close to your baby and keep them entertained with toys or songs.

Encourage Rolling Over: Encourage your baby to roll over from their tummy to their back and vice versa. You can do this by placing toys just out of their reach, which will encourage them to reach and roll over.

Place Toys Out of Reach: Place toys just out of your baby’s reach while they are on their tummy. This will encourage them to reach and crawl towards the toy.

Provide Support: Place a rolled-up towel or small pillow under your baby’s chest to provide some support during tummy time. This will help your baby lift their head and chest off the floor.

Crawl with Your Baby: Get down on all fours and crawl with your baby. This will encourage them to mimic your movements and learn how to crawl.

Use a Tunnel: Create a tunnel using a cardboard box or a blanket. Encourage your baby to crawl through the tunnel to reach a toy on the other side.

Use a Mirror: Place a mirror in front of your baby during tummy time. This will encourage them to lift their head and look at their reflection.

Use a Ball: Place a small ball in front of your baby during tummy time. This will encourage them to reach and crawl towards the ball.

Play Peek-a-Boo: Play peek-a-boo with your baby while they are on their tummy. This will encourage them to lift their head and look for you.

Use a Crawling Track: Create a crawling track using pillows, cushions, or soft toys. Encourage your baby to crawl along the track to reach a toy at the end.

In conclusion, crawling is an important developmental milestone for babies. By practicing these simple exercises, you can help your baby learn how to crawl and develop their muscles, coordination, and balance while also promoting their cognitive and social skills. Remember to always supervise your baby during tummy time and crawling to ensure their safety.