Important Notice: this service will be discontinued by the end of 2024 because for multiple years now, Plume is no longer under active/continuous development. Sadly each time there was hope, active development came to a stop again. Please consider using our Writefreely instance instead.

Boosting Site Search Visibility on a Limited Budget

Achieving strong search engine rankings is critical for driving website traffic and conversions. However, most small businesses and startups lack the ample resources needed to implement expansive SEO strategies.

Thankfully, you don’t have to break the bank to get your website SEO-ready. With smart prioritization and savvy implementation from a cheap web designer, you can optimize your site for search on even the leanest budget.

Follow this affordable SEO blueprint:

Focus on Keyword Research

Proper keyword research provides the entire foundation for effective SEO. While paid tools like SEMrush are ideal, free options like Google’s Keyword Planner provide ample data to identify relevant target keywords and assess difficulty. Do this homework first before involving a cheap web designer.

Optimize Page Titles and Metadata

Page titles and meta descriptions represent prime real estate for working in target keywords while communicating page value. Ensure your cheap web designer optimizes these elements with strategic keywords early on for maximum impact.

Create Useful, Keyword-Focused Content

Pages packed with useful, well-written blog posts, articles and other content optimized with target keywords will drive results over time by improving domain authority. So prioritize creating unique, relevant content around your most valuable keywords, even if publishing slowly initially. Focus on quality over quantity.

Improve Site Architecture and Internal Linking

Burying pages 10 clicks deep in a convoluted site architecture cripples discoverability. An experienced cheap web designer can drastically improve findability through clear IA and linking to deep pages from higher-level hubs. This also bolsters page authority.

Enhance Page Speed

Site speed impacts user experience, conversions, and rankings substantially. Use online tools to find page speed bottlenecks like oversized images, then have your cheap web designer optimize. Faster sites achieve better SEO results.

Use Alt Text for Images

Describe images on pages using targeted alt text and captions. Not only does this aid accessibility, but it also provides additional keyword-rich signals to search engines regarding relevance. Ensure your cheap web designer leverages alt text.

Analyze Competition

See what SEO strategies competitors are using by examining their keyword content, backlinks, and site features using free tools like Alexa and OpenSiteExplorer. Ethically emulate what top rivals do. A seasoned cheap web designer can assess.

Craft Linkworthy Assets

Provide free tools, research reports, online calculators, and other gated assets that attract backlinks and mentions naturally. Useful assets spread organically if relevant to your niche. Cheap web designers can build these for you.

There are ample high-impact SEO moves a cheap web designer can implement at little to no added cost. By laying a solid foundation onsite with metadata, content, speed, and architecture optimization, you grant search engines the signals needed to drive relevant traffic to your site over time.