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How to write an essay conclusion

How to write an essay conclusion

When you writing different types of an essay, including an evaluation essay, you should know how to write a conclusion. Here are six step to a great ending of your essay.

  1. Start with a small transition (optional). This would be like a clue to the reader that the essay is nearing completion, and they need to pay attention to it. Although many essays begin their last paragraph with a transition, yours doesn't need to as well if you feel like it's about to end. This transition could be very simple.

  • It is recommended that you avoid the typical phrases used over and over again, such as "In conclusion", "Summarizing", "To end". This is because they are used very frequently and become a cliché.

  1. Briefly summarize some of the main points. Try taking the first sentences of each paragraph (the sentences with the topic ) and rewriting their main points in two or three sentences. This reinforces the argument of the essay, reminding the reader of what you were talking about or discussing.

  • Avoid summarizing the points you made in the same way that you wrote them. Readers have already read the essay. You don't need to remind them of every point literally.

  1. Keep it short and friendly. There is no hard and fast rule of thumb for how long a conclusion should be - for most high school and college essays, a good rule of thumb is that the conclusion is five to seven sentences. Anything less implies that you did not sufficiently summarize the points; anything else implies that you probably rambled on with the content too much.

  2. Be sure to work on the thesis statement, if you have one, and include it in one way or another in the conclusion. If you have a thesis, refer to it at the conclusion of the essay, even if you only mention it superficially. Remember, the thesis is the main point of the essay, the reason for the argument. If someone reading the conclusion still doesn't understand your thesis, it means that you didn't do a good job of letting them know.

  • Find a way to rework the thesis in an attractive way, using different words. Reaffirming the thesis using the same words will bore the reader and does not offer an in-depth focus on your argument.
  1. Write the subject with authority. Sounding authoritative means using the right words (as opposed to any old word) and leaning on solid evidence from other sources, relying on your writing style. Don't apologize for your ideas or use highly qualified language.

  • For example, instead of saying, "This is why I think Abraham Lincoln was the best American president of the 19th century," say, "For this reason, Abraham Lincoln was the best American president of the 19th century." The reader already thinks that if you wrote about Lincoln being the best president, you believe in it. Mentioning "I believe" sounds like you are being evasive and sounding less authoritative.

  • Another example, don't apologize for your views. They are yours, so own them with pride. Never say something like "Maybe I'm not an expert" or "At least that's my point of view," [9] as it weakens your veracity.

  1. End with a flourishing phrase. The last statement should be elegant, concise, and provocative. Easier said than done. However, it all begins by illustrating the point of view of the essay. Ask yourself what is my essay about, and what am I talking about? and part of there. [10]

  • End by using a bit of irony. Play with the last sentence and come up with an ironic consequence of what you are talking about. Thus, the end of the trial will become particularly provocative.
  • Make it attractive to the emotions. Most of the time, the essays are very rational and omit emotions. This is why engaging people's emotions could be a powerful way to conclude your essay. If you do it correctly, you will give the work a heart. Just make sure your conclusions keep the same tone as the rest of the content.
  • Include a call to act (in moderation). If the essay is about making a change in people, then it includes a call to act as a useful tool to awaken your fundamentals. But be moderate, since in the wrong context (an expository or argumentative essay) it could sink you deep.