Important Notice: this service will be discontinued by the end of 2024 because for multiple years now, Plume is no longer under active/continuous development. Sadly each time there was hope, active development came to a stop again. Please consider using our Writefreely instance instead. TOR Proxy Announcement

Major changes on the TOR proxy!

I've made new changes to the #TOR proxy to provide the best user experience with #TOR. Now, you need a username and password to use the proxy. This will speed up the proxy because most of the bots and scammers who use most of the bandwidth are locked out. A password change is not implemented, so, when you want a new one, just ask me and I will generate a new one.

All passwords generated by me have a minimum length of 8 characters, consisting of lower and upper case letters, special characters and numbers. For #security reasons I will not give out simple passwords and don't save it plain text. When you loose it, I have to reset it.

When you are interested in an account, feel free to send a mail to and you get your credentials.

Please don't ask me via #XMPP, #Telegram, #DeltaChat or on my private E-Mail.