Important Notice: this service will be discontinued by the end of 2024 because for multiple years now, Plume is no longer under active/continuous development. Sadly each time there was hope, active development came to a stop again. Please consider using our Writefreely instance instead.

Full feature online office suite that truly respects your privacy

- Talking in Portuguese with LinuxTechPT folks about Collabora Online -

LinuxTechPT branding Yesterday was a long but rewarding day :)

I had a blast talking with André Paula and João Jotta from LinuxTechPT podcast. It's really something to be able to speak again in my own idiom specially when I often don't have that chance (since I'm in Prague). Moreover it's always super fun to be able to talk with like-minded people and even more when the subject is Collabora Online and all the cool things we have been doing and contributing at Collabora Productivity.

The streaming is now available on YouTube and soon - after post editing it - will be available at RSS fedd


  • Who am I
  • Collabora: our parent company
  • Collabora: The cool advancements done in FLOSS VR/XR and Monado
  • Collabora Productivity: Major contributor to LibreOffice
  • Yes it is a FLOSS company
  • What is Collabora Online: The driving force behind putting LibreOffice in the cloud with support and backed by a huge community and partner network View infographics
  • What is Collabora Online: Viewing and Collaborative editing; Excellent interoperability with Microsoft formats; On-premise Integration with 150+ different partners; Simple architecture
  • Each document is served by a single node to which all requests and edits are sent for that document by the HA gateway: F5, HA proxy etc..
  • Each node is ultimately stateless
  • Documents and the cloud: your document doesn't leave your premise. I repeat your document does not leave your server.
  • Mission: Make Open Source Rock
  • Many have chosen Collabora Online specially due to its full-feature offer while ensuring high security levels (in contrast with other solutions: pixels, GDPR, etc)
  • Complete solution: Collabora Online + Collabora Office (formats and rich documents)
  • Mobile
  • CODE: Collabora Online Development Edition (so many options: Native Linux packages, snapshots, App centre, Docker image)
  • Collabora Online regularly saves documents to your existing storage.
  • Others might require a separate Highly Available(HA) Redis frontend; access to a shared, HA NFS server; access to a HA postgress database cluster; access to an HA RabbitMQ message bus. Collabora Online does not.
  • Collabora Online requires no third party services except of course it needs to connect to your existing file-storage solution.
  • Collabora Online requires only a standard, basic Linux base-system to run on top of.
  • Work with community and with partner network = awesome plugins ( view and Edit collaborativly without leaving Mattermost; ios and other news, awesome integrations with partners etc (and out of the blue, and believe it was not planed, João receives a cool native ios notification saying that there is a new Collabora Online version and that his Netxcloud instance is now using it!)
  • Collabora Online VS GDocs
  • Collabora Online VS Microsoft Office 365
  • We are in the process of improving the Pricing page so it's crystal clear which option is right for each different case/company needs. So stay tuned!
  • Quick personal QA sprint