Important Notice: this service will be discontinued by the end of 2024 because for multiple years now, Plume is no longer under active/continuous development. Sadly each time there was hope, active development came to a stop again. Please consider using our Writefreely instance instead.

Plume Development 2021-04-13

Preparing the next release v0.7.0

Slug (URI) modification

Now article’s URI is automatically modified by Plume to capital case: “article title” → “Article Title” and hyphens are inserted between some type of characters: “タイトル” → “タ-イ-ト-ル”. Sometimes this behavior is not preferred. So I stopped this behavior. Existing URIs won’t be modified. New articles’ titles will be applied.

If possible, it’s so appreciated for you to run the latest version from source code or Docker image and report issues, especially whether there’s trouble with federation between Mastodon servers.

This was reported long time ago. Thank you for patience until now.

Next release

We decided to release the next version v0.7.0.

The primary reason is that sometimes issues about federation with Mastodon are reported. We didn’t see detailed logs but current edge version of Mastodon requires signing some HTTP headers and Plume v0.6.0 doesn’t. The next version includes the fix for this problem.

Of course, we think frequent release is good, though it’s not easy for us. I hope we could develop more rapidly and release more often.

Request for translation

As said above, we will release the next version. Until Apr. 25, we have translation term. You may translate Plume UIs on our Crowdin project. Two languages were added: Sinhala and Urdu. Translations for them are welcome as well as existing langs.

See our translation page for details.

I’m aware some issues are remaining on Gitea and GitHub. Rust, a programing language in Plume is written, is getting more popular. Contributing to Rust is a chance to learn Rust :) Get involved if you’re intersted!