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The Way of Colorpuncture — CAM

How did I get in touch with Colorpuncture? It all started from a Perlux light pen set I borrowed from a doctor of Traditional Chinese medicine as well as the doctor of Anthroposopic Medicine, she asked me to use it on my kid. Later, I begin to study meridians. Aside from preserving the health of myself and my families, I also try to help easing the soreness and uncomfortableness of my friends.

Colorpuncture falls in the category of CAM, Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Complimentary therapy is often mixed up with alternative therapy, but there is a difference between the two. According to NCCAM in the US, Complimentary therapy is used TOGETHER with mainstream medical treatment while alternative is used solely. In the US, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy are all seen as complimentary ones. However, this distinction is somewhat self-bound, the trend now is integration, NCCAM has been renamed as National Center for Complimentary and Integration Health (NCCIH). In Germany, where Colorpuncture is originated from, Heilpraktikers and alternative medicine clinics are officially recognized. In Taiwan, traditional Chinese medicine (more precisely, Han medicine) is quite popular besides the mainstream medicine, and it is covered by National Health Insurance. Although NHI’s payment to acupuncture, orthopedics & traumatology in Chinese medicine from the public health insurance is quite low, but the prevalence of Chinese medicine clinics not covered by NHI is an indicator of the demand, traditional Chinese medicine is complimentary as well as alternative medicine in Taiwan. We also have “folk medicine,” such as massage, Guasha, cupping, Tuina, foot massage, but invasive medical treatment, prescription of internal medication are forbidden by the law, these should be noted by therapists without a doctor’s license. Since 2018, the certificate of technician for traditional Tuina is issued by Ministry of Labor, I think Colorpuncture practitioners can consider taking the Skill Test since it is certified by the government, and the understanding about meridians helps to maximize the effect of Colorpuncture treatments.


  1. National Center for Complementary and Intergrative Health. Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Health: What’s In a Name?
  2. Heilpraktiker - Wikipedia

*This article is translated with modification from my post in Chinese on Matters