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The Way of Colorpuncture — Meaning of Color Light

Color is the subjective description of human. The wavelength of the light visible to the human eye is approximately between 380 nm to 780 nm, there are 3 types — S, M and L — of cone cells in the human eye, they respectively correspond to 3 ranges of wavelength and the peak response varies from person to person. In other words, the colors two individuals see are not exactly the same, at least in saturation. The difference between species are even bigger, cats only have M & S types, dogs have L & S types while Mantis Shrimps have 16 types that they can even sense ultra violet and polarised light. Sir Issac Newton said, “to speak properly, the rays are not coloured.” It means color is not a persistent physical attribute. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe thinks color is the subjective experience of each viewer’s different perception of color. When I read about naihsvabhavya (state of having no essence) and six vijñānas (six consciousnesses), this naturally occurred to me. The colorful colors in our eyes are the result of the brain differentiating lights of different wavelength, but they do have an impact on our psychology and physiology. Applying color light of different frequency on the acupoints or reflex zones have different results, the key point of a colorpuncture therapist’s job is to find out where to put what color in order to resonate with the client’s body. Wavelength of visible light

7 Basic Colors of Colorpuncture

No.1 red: it represents warmth, passion and choleric temperament. It relates to love and anger. Red is the most penetrative color, it stimulates the circulation of the blood and the frequency of breath. Red is the basic color of life, it strengthens the cardiovascular system and the genitourinary system, It corresponds to heart, lungs, kidneys, bladder, triple energizer meridian, muscles and bones.

No. 2 orange: it represents joy, happiness and alert, it is the color of rising sun. Orange corresponds to endocrine system, abdominal brain zone, heart and small intestine.

No. 3 yellow: it represents wisdom, trust, and sanguine temperament, it is the color of the sun. Yellow activates the nerve system, lymphatic system and the digestive system. Liver and gallbladder resonate with yellow, it also corresponds to spleen and large intestine.

No. 4 green: it represents harmony, nature and phlegmatic temperament. It signals “let go” to the cells, so green can detoxify as well as diminish inflammation. Lung and large intestine resonate with green, it also corresponds to kidney and bladder.

No. 5 turquoise: it represents communication and expression, the outside of the soul as it presents itself to the outside world. It releases grievance and depression, eliminates unconscious tension.

No. 6 blue: it represents peace, eternity, and melancholic temperament, it is the color of the sea and the sky. Blue is the powerful sedative, it helps to relax and poise, it can also detoxify. Blue works with orange to balance the endocrine system. Stomach, spleen and pancreas resonate with this color, it also corresponds to the pituitary gland, muscles, tendons and tissues.

No. 7 violet: violet is a mixture of impulsive choleric and delicate melancholic. It helps to calm down, stimulates consciousness and intuition, liberation and wholeness. Violet soothes the lymphatic system, Violet is also the frequency of stomach, spleen and pancreas, it also corresponds to large intestine.

4 Soul-Spirit Colors of Colorpuncture

In the 7th chapter of the book Colour Me Healing, it is mentioned that Mandel wanted to find a measure to change the imprint from the parents, the result is soul-spirit colors that can touch the deep consciousness. In traditional color therapy, red is the color of father, green is the color of mother; thyroid and throat are the area of the father, while the navel is the area of the mother. This way, when you want to remove father’s imprint, you seek help from the mother, and vice versa, this is the very first father/mother conflict therapy. However, Mandel saw there is a need to strengthen our inner male side and inner female side, in other words the higher level, the spiritual level of masculine and feminine that can bring us harmonious cohesion. Mandel seek help from his friend prof. Gerald Heuss, who believed red is Dionysus’s path, it is earthy, it is the punishing father while green is Kali’s path, it is the child-devouring mother. Red should be elevated to crimson, the path of Apollo, the spiritual creativity; green should be elevated to light green, the path of Gaia, the spiritual mother that seeks no return. After extensive experiments, Mandel finally found that rosé corresponds to the core of the spirituality. To Mandel, turquoise is special as the other 6 basic colors have their complimentary color, red and green, orange and blue, yellow and violet, but turquoise is independent. Turquoise can touch the issues in psychological aspects, it is the color of the soul, the middleperson between the body and the spirit. Soul affects the body outward while affecting the spirit inward. Turquoise is the color connecting the body and the mind, and light turquoise is the color connecting the mind and the spirit.

No. 8 light turquoise: opens the door to subconsciousness, Master Chiu and Mater Hsieh found in practice that light turquoise relaxes sympathetic nerves.

No. 9 light green: renew and hope, infinite peace and security.

No. 10 crimson: heals the trauma, nourishing blood and qi.

No. 11 rosé: love and tolerance, core of spirituality.

Complimentary Colors

The use of complimentary colors is an important principle as well as the advantage of colorpuncture. During the treatment, if an incorrect color is used you can offset it by applying its complimentary color at the same position. Even if the correct color is used, one may feel uncomfortable due to the blockage of the energy. In this case, we can also temporarily apply its complimentary color to diminish the uncomfortable reaction first, before changing back to the original color.

warm colorscold colors
No. 1 redNo. 4 green
No. 2 orangeNo. 6 blue
No. 3 yellowNo. 7 violet
No. 8 light turquoiseNo. 11 rosé
No. 9 light greenNo. 10 crimson

On the left side of the table above are warm colors, they act as reinforcing and stimulating; on the right side are cold colors, they act as reducing and soothing. Warm colors and cold colors are like the accelerator and the brake of a car. There is no direct complimentary to No. 5 turquoise, but in practice we can use red as its complimentary color.




Allanach, J. (1997). A New Paradigm for Prevention. In Colour Me Healing. Colourpuncture: A New Medicine of Light (pp. 106-114). Element Books Limited.

Colorpoint Institute (2019). Colorpuncture Course Level I.

Timmerman, P. (2014). Light is Color. In The Healing Power of Light and Color (pp. 16). Esogetics.

*This article is translated with modification from my article in Chinese on Matters