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Prescription 'Serious Shortage Protocol' Planed for Brexit Ridden UK

This would enable pharmacists to supply alternate forms and strengths of medicines without the need to contact the patient

Pharmacists are waiting for details from the government about what measures are in place to deal with any Brexit induced delays to deliveries of drug supplies as a result of van driver shortages.

If the situation worsens, pharmacists have suggested that one fall-back could involve the use of a “serious shortage protocol”, which the government had originally prepared, against the backdrop of hard Brexit concerns, to cater for drugs with known supply problems.

This protocol would enable pharmacists to supply alternate forms and strengths of medicines without the need to contact the patient.

Pharmacies that spoke to the Sunday Telegraph were quoted as saying that some orders were either arriving late or not at all, though customers were still being catered for.

However, pharmacists who do home visits are among the healthcare staff who are experiencing problems as a result of fuel shortages caused by the supply chain crisis.

Full story at The Guardian