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Articles tagged "Dominic Cummings"

Boris Johnson Said He Was Not Prepared to Lock Down the Country to Save People in Their 80s

Cummings - Johnson held out on reimposing Covid restrictions because “the people who are dying are essentially all over 80.”

Another of Boris Johnson's Cabinet Members Have Broken the Law as Found by the High Court

Two Cabinet Ministers – Michael Gove and Matt Hancock – have now been found to have broken the law

We Are Being Targeted by Boris Johnson's Ministers

A transparent & deceitful act by Government to target one of its most effective critics in an attempt to close down the most effective route to exposing its [Tory government's] disregard for the law

Boris Johnson 'Unfit' to be PM, says Former Top Adviser Cummings

Cummings said the British government is being overly secretive and bureaucratic and said that domestic media had not subjected its policies to any real independent scrutiny.

Dominic Cummings' Pals no Competition Contract Award to be Heard in Court

Award of Covid-19 contracts are genuine public interest issues, says court. Tory government looses argument for second time.

Judicial Review of Government's Decision to Award Huge PPE Contracts to Questionable Counterparties

Back in court 22 February, 2021