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Good Law Project [unofficial]

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About The Good Law Project

The Good Law Project is a not-for-profit campaign organisation that uses the law to protect the interests of the public. We fight cases that defend, define or change the law and we use litigation to engage and educate. We challenge abuses of power, exploitation, inequality, and injustice.

We are a bold, young, organisation with a ground-breaking track record. We speak the truth and act with integrity. You can learn more about our organisation and our achievements in 2019 in our annual report.

The Good Law Project

Latest articles

We’re planning to sue Ofgem over their price cap announcement

Here’s how & why ...

Tory Government Bullied Safety Watchdog over PPE Supplied by ‘VIPs’ (Tory donors)

PPE supplied by Tory donors via the 'VIP Lane' has repeatedly been cleared for use by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), overruling concerns of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) that it is not fit for purpose.

Time to Stop the Rot

The UK may be the only democracy in the world without a written constitution – a ‘higher’ law or code to which all others must conform.

What Happens Now?

UK government ministers broke the law. Why no consequences for the government's unlawful behaviour?

Peerage, Barron Cruddas & 3/4 of a Million Pounds Donated to the Conservative Party

He was crowned, or whatever happens to them, ‘Baron’ Cruddas on 2 February 2021 and a few days later, on 5 February 2021, he gave the Tories another half a million

Another of Boris Johnson's Cabinet Members Have Broken the Law as Found by the High Court

Two Cabinet Ministers – Michael Gove and Matt Hancock – have now been found to have broken the law

We Are Being Targeted by Boris Johnson's Ministers

A transparent & deceitful act by Government to target one of its most effective critics in an attempt to close down the most effective route to exposing its [Tory government's] disregard for the law

This is Shocking ...

Evidence that two contracts awarded to Pharmaceuticals Direct Limited (at eye watering prices) were pushed through by Tory some cabinet members advisors including Boris Johnson's.

We Will Keep Going

The devil is a Government with a diminishing attachment to the truth

The PPE/VIP Lane Hearing is Over

"a relentless campaign by the Defendant to obscure what really happened on significant issues."

UK High Court Day 4 Tory - 'VIP Lane' Covid-19 Contract Awarding Process

Government's defence of the “VIP” Lane is apparently determined to keep quiet the details of the politically-connected beneficiaries - and which Ministers or senior officials referred them.

Video Update: This Week in Court - Tory Government PPE Procurement Scandal

Legal Director of Good Law Project, Gemma Abbott, provides a 2 minute update of week's court hearings against Tory government awarding multi-million pound contracts to friends & donors