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Articles tagged "NHS"

UK government has Abandoned its Own Covid Health Advice

Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak said to have agreed to decision not to follow public health advice on testing in vulnerable settings

Tory Pledge to Bolster GP Surgery Staff to be Broken

Only 9,500 of the promised 26,000 extra personnel for practices in England have been recruited

In one day, the Boris Johnson's, Tory Government has Broken Two Key Promises

The Tory lies continue to negatively effect every life in the United Kingdom

The End of GDPR & the Rise of Data Discrimination

Corrupt, Tory profiteers eliminate data protection to allow their donors to make huge profits from your private data

Corporate Takeover & Privatisation of Our NHS

Turning the NHS Into a $28bn Profit Opportunity - Tory Cronyism

Tories Set to Break Promise of 6,000 More GPs in England

The Tory government's health secretary disclosed that the figure, a key promise in the Conservatives’ general election manifesto in 2019, was unlikely to be met

Reply to Consultation of Tory's Corrupt, NHS Privatisation Bill

This is a copy of my comments to the consultation on continued privatisation of our NHS. Link to enter your comments to UK government.

Johnsonian Policy - The Lord of Misrule

Looking at the United Kingdom's gradual, cumulative decline until disruption to everyday life becomes too endemic to avoid

I Called Out the Prime Minister for Lying & Got Thrown Out of Parliament

Boris Johnson has lied to the country & to the House of Commons repeatedly for years

Sage Adviser - Ministers Trying to Get as Many as Possible Infected With Covid

Ministers & Boris Johnson accused of allowing infections to rip through the younger population in an effort to bolster levels of immunity

The Existing Weaknesses in Tory's UK government Laid Bare by Covid-19 Pandemic

Report highlights data failings, workforce shortages and disconnect between health and social care

Nurse who Cared for Boris Johnson Resigns over Tory Government's ‘Lack of Respect’ for NHS Workers

Jenny McGee, who kept vigil by PM’s bedside when he was sick with Covid, derides government’s handling of pandemic