Articles tagged "corruption"

Tory Sleaze - A Scandal Set to Haunt Boris Johnson

What began as the shaming of David Cameron now threatens to drag the current government into a cesspit

Matt Hancock - Links to Firm Used by NHS Exposes Tory Cronyism/Corruption

The Conservative government is “infected with widespread cronyism”. Reports indicate the health secretary’s family firm won contracts from the Tory government controlled NHS

Downing Street Rewrote ‘Independent’ Report on Race

Officials at Downing Street have been accused of rewriting much of its controversial report into racial and ethnic disparities

How Scotland’s been Tricked into Thinking it’s too Poor

How Scotland’s been Tricked into Thinking it’s too Poor

BBC of Fear of Casting Boris Johnson in a Bad Light

This story appears to have everything – sex, betrayal, abuse of power, lies told in high places – so, on the face of, it is somewhat surprising to find it covered only grudgingly, and at the margins of the BBC’s huge range of output.