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Articles tagged "politics"

Time to Stop the Rot

The UK may be the only democracy in the world without a written constitution – a ‘higher’ law or code to which all others must conform.

Boris Johnson Claims the UK is not ‘remotely a corrupt country’. Really? Is it?

Analysis: the reality looks different as the PM defends his Tory government’s reputation over allegations of sleaze

Mandatory Voter ID - Tory Govt Makes Astonishing Admission 3.5 Million Will Be Disenfranchised

Users without ID would experience a serious restriction of their experience, freedom of expression and rights

Sage Adviser - Ministers Trying to Get as Many as Possible Infected With Covid

Ministers & Boris Johnson accused of allowing infections to rip through the younger population in an effort to bolster levels of immunity

The (Not So) Good Doctor

"Who the hell is this idiot and why is his face plastered all over my district?"

The UK Government's Death Of Convention; Rule of Law

How Boris Johnson has used the vagueness and vulnerability of Britain’s unwritten constitution to erode democracy

Some of Today’s Politicians have Learned Propaganda Tricks from 1930s Fascists, says Yale professor

Democracy is a fragile creation, and the Yale professor and historian of fascism Timothy Snyder should know

Boris Johnson & the Rise of Make-Believe

It is no good offering people a ‘story to believe in’ if it ends in harm – but the Prime Minister does not know any other way

Commandments of the XXI century

Thou shall not "Stop the Steal" said Mark Zuckerberg.