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Def Mon

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RT by @DefMon3: I've come a long way from my humble Karachi roots.

First batch on the way.

RT by @DefMon3: If there's one video you need to watch about the recent events in northern…

RT by @DefMon3: It’s not only the 🇷🇺 army that has shown itself to be sub-standard, but ev…

R to @DefMon3: It's unclear what kind of damage the Pantsir'S took. But the operators feel…

R to @DefMon3: This is another great Pantsir video for those who have not seen it. https:/…

Video of what I believe is a FPV drone attacking a Russian Pantsir-S air defense system. …

RT by @DefMon3: In eastern Ukraine, many of the defensive lines built by pro-Russian and U…

RT by @DefMon3: На відео вчорашня робота хлопців — знищення особового складу, бк та палива…

UA forces are now shooting fish in the Bakhmut barrel.


How to spot an idiot on the internet. (I marked the idiot with a red square so you don't …