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Reply to Consultation of Tory's Corrupt, NHS Privatisation Bill

This is a copy of my comments to the consultation on continued privatisation of our NHS. Link to enter your comments to UK government.

Dear Public Bills Committee,

To be honest I’m of the understanding based on the behaviour of this arrogant government that Public Consultations are nothing more than a tick-box exercise & a survey of sorts to provide this dishonest government with information with which to adjust their propaganda (lies) to mislead the citizens.

Thus my comments are short as, honestly, the current government has demonstrated over time that my comments, health and life are unimportant and will be ignored unless it’s to this corrupt government’s interests and/or it’s corporate cronies wealth.

Our NHS should be publicly funded and operated.  Full stop.

Every pound paid to private, profit motivated corporations always skims off their profit … which equates to less money to treat and heal the sick and injured.

Private companies exist solely for profit.  Profits are their first priority.  Therefore it’s logical said private corporations will make decisions to increase their private corporation’s profits.  Our healthcare is a distant second motivation at best.

When our NHS receives a pound, it all is spent towards healthcare – no money goes into private corporate pockets (overseas or not) or shareholders.

  • Private companies should be absolutely prohibited_ from contributing to any decision making process within our NHS.
  • Regular, everyday citizens should be sitting on decision making committed and boards.

How to send your comments on the consultation of the NHS privatisation bill

The parliamentary Public Bills Committee scrutinises bills before they become law. 

They are asking the public to tell them what we think of the government’s NHS Bill.  

  • This is YOUR chance to influence the NHS Bill and win big changes to it.
  • Type 2 or 3 sentences in the email box below and make two simple demands to the committee. In your own words: