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Articles tagged "VIP Lane"

Time to Stop the Rot

The UK may be the only democracy in the world without a written constitution – a ‘higher’ law or code to which all others must conform.

Corporate Takeover & Privatisation of Our NHS

Turning the NHS Into a $28bn Profit Opportunity - Tory Cronyism

The PPE/VIP Lane Hearing is Over

"a relentless campaign by the Defendant to obscure what really happened on significant issues."

UK High Court Day 4 Tory - 'VIP Lane' Covid-19 Contract Awarding Process

Government's defence of the “VIP” Lane is apparently determined to keep quiet the details of the politically-connected beneficiaries - and which Ministers or senior officials referred them.

High Court Updates - PPE 'VIP Lane' Commissioning

Today the High Court heard Good Law Project lawyers detail waste, mismanagement - and yet more special treatment for politically connected companies placed in the “VIP” Lane.

Dominic Cummings' Pals no Competition Contract Award to be Heard in Court

Award of Covid-19 contracts are genuine public interest issues, says court. Tory government looses argument for second time.

The Cost of Cronyism in the United Kingdom

Explosive emails revealed in a hearing on our legal challenge over direct awards of PPE contracts show civil servants raising the alarm that they were "drowning in VIP requests" from political connections that do not have “the correct certification or pass due diligence”.